Leverage the Office Visit to Active Learning

In Digital Tonto’s post ‘4 New Marketing Paradigms’ here Greg’s third paradigm is titled ‘From Awareness to Activation’. The premise here is that awareness is the driver of sales. The more we beat the consumer around the head with messages the higher the likelihood that when a purchase choice is made it will be positive for the brand.
This one is a bit of a stretch for healthcare but it works. Historically the HCP (brand) really didn’t need to create awareness. Top of mind by the patient (consumer) happened when the annual physical was due, the arm was broken, the cold that wouldn’t go away, or a MI. But as I’ve stated, the office visit should not be a drive by. It is the chance to build a lasting and ongoing healthcare engagement with the patient.
In my view the two parties in this exchange brand (HCP) and consumer (patient) first need to determine if there is a need or desire for engagement. Do you (patient) want to know more, be more active in your healthcare? We can move beyond this office visit to actively share in your ongoing healthcare experience. Patient ‘I’m okay, I want to know more, yes count me in.’
What has happened in this small exchange is that two parties with overlapping goals have agreed to extend the ability to meet those goals. They are building a two part system for change. The patient with the approval to participate is now becoming the learner with a small roll as a teacher. While at the same time the HCP is becoming the teacher with small roll as learner. Each one will drive the other ones engagement in healthcare based on uptake in knowledge and learning. What is about to happen is active engagement.

More coming.


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