With a Name Like That and Mission It Can’t Miss

Frank H. Netter, MD School Of Medicine: Developing A New Breed Of Medical School Faculty To Change The Way We Educate Doctors 

Coming up through the ranks in advertising during the late 70s you quickly learned who Frank Netter was. His medical illustrations were revered and respected by agency art directors, creative directors, and anyone who could rub two brain cells together. So when I saw this article about a new medical school called Frank H. Netter, MD School of Medicine I stopped and had to read. 

Dr. Koeppen clearly acknowledges that the greatest need for doctors in terms of clinical service is centered around primary care. This will be a major emphasis of his school’s goals, accomplishing this in partnership with other health-related programs at Quinnipiac—Nursing, Physician Assistant, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy.

Dr. Wikel believes that “providing problem solving exercises in which students gain confidence an experience in their ability to solve problems ultimately helps them to be more comfortable with their ability to acquire knowledge on their own, and subsequently to become self- directed learners.”

There is great hope for this school of medicine just from the fact over 965 applications for 22 full-time faculty members and many of thos applications gave up tenure and were from the likes of Harvard, University of California, Brown, etc. 

I hope they succeed but we’ll need to wait a bunch of years to see. I wish them luck. The school logo should be a Netter illustration.