September 11, 2001 comes and we return, to memories, and moments forever carved in our souls. That day does not fade nor do the edges smooth over. It is as vivid and shocking today as it was in 2001.
A picture is worth a 1,000 words and memories in equal numbers. Below are some photos I took on that day and the following days. Looking at them evokes every minute of that day and beyond and being four blocks away. Donna and I stayed. We did not leave. We were not going to let them drive us from our home nor my business. The Wall Street Journal did a story about three business located here and on the other side of red zone.
There was a Krispy Kreme on the ground floor of the North Tower, Donna said to me that all the donuts became halo’s for those who died. In November I worked a couple of nights at the Red Cross Center near the pile. I can still see the smoldering debris as I walked to the Center in the darkness.