It Just Seems So Obvious

“If the United States and its partners bought all of Afghanistan’s opium, a major source of corruption in Afghanistan would disappear, violence in Taliban-affected areas would fall, world supplies of heroin would crash, and a global shortage of morphine — a source of much hidden suffering — could be alleviated.”

Over 5 billion people worldwide have ‘low to nonexistent access’ to opioid painkillers. As of April 17, 2012 over 1,800 members of the US military have died in Afghanistan. 

Both these statistics are unacceptable. I do not know what it is like to loose a loved one to war. I do know first hand what it is like to it to watch a loved one suffer a death from cancer. If it was not for the brilliant and dedicated professionals at the hospice and their ability and expertise to administer morphine I cannot imagine witnessing her death. 

And that is the problem, those who have the power to make a difference to so many do not know first hand what those who’ve lost a love one to war or to terminal illness and death. Let alone those who are dying. Otherwise these statistics would be fixed.